PII „Spārīte”, Saules street 5, Nīca

Vertical heating system, ventilation, radiator heat supply construction works.

General contractor – SIA “Dzintars AB”

Nīcas secondary school

Vertical heating system, ventilation, radiator heat supply, internal UK construction works.

General contractor – SIA “Dzinatrs AB”

Reconstruction of the ventilation system of the production building, Kustes dambis 6, Ventspils

Reconstruction of the ventilation system of the production building – ventilation unit 20000 m3/h + heat pumps 3 pcs.

General contractor – SIA “Froli Baltic”

“Purmsātu muiža”, Purmsāti, Virga parish, Priekule county

Reconstruction of the heating system, heating units and external heating circuit.

General contractor – Priekule county municipality

Reconstruction of kindergarten PII “Pienenīte” and construction of a new building, Liepāja, Pulkveža Brieža street 10a

Construction of heating and ventilation systems, internal and external UK.

General contractor – SIA “UPTK”

Apartment house complex in Bulduru prospect

Apartment house complex at Bulduru prospect 52, 54, Videsprospekt 51, Jurmala (3 buildings in total). Heating systems, gas boilers 3 pcs.

General contractor – SIA “Caverion Latvia”

Kapsedes elementary school

Reconstruction of the heating system and heating unit.

General contractor – SIA “Dzintars AB”

New construction of Service Hotel of Ventspils Vocational High School

Construction of heating system and conditioning system (chiller + ceiling fan coils).

General contractor – A/S “UPB”

Apartment building Turaidas street, Jurmala – 9 buildings in total with a common basement

Construction of the heating system, gas boiler house 1 Mw.

General contractor – SIA “Litana-Latvija”

Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Center. Tvaika street 2, Rīga

Reconstruction of heating and heating unit, reconstruction of internal water supply and sewerage networks.

General contractor – SIA “RE&RE”