Restoration and reconstruction (reconstruction) of the residential building into a museum building. Kungu street 24, Liepājā

Construction of heating, heating unit, ventilation, water and sewerage, external water and sewerage, and heating track.

General contractor – SIA “RERE Meistari”

Construction of grocery store 17a Raudas street, Tukums

Construction works of heating, cooling and ventilation systems, water supply and sewage systems.

General contractor – SIA “Baltic Construction Alliance”

Reconstruction of “CALJAN” office building and production building, Brīvības street 142A, Liepāja

Office building heating, cooling, ventilation system, water supply and sewerage construction works, Production building ventilation, water supply and sewerage system construction work.

General contractor – SIA “Bukoteks”

SAGA new construction of commercial building Smaidu street 18, Dreiliņi, Stopiņi district

Construction works of heating, heating unit, SUM units, heat recovery systems.

General contractor – SIA “UPB Nams”

Reconstruction of the meat processing plant, “Pūpoli”, Paplaka, Virga parish, Priekule district.

Construction of internal water supply and sewerage networks, construction of external water supply and sewerage networks, construction of external fire water main and pumping station.

General contractor – SIA “A-J Energobūve”

Reconstruction of the buildings of the Liepāja regional hospital, improvement of the territory and simplified renovation. Liepājā, Slimnīcas street 25.

Restoration of internal water supply and sewerage 1st-4th round and simplified renovation.

General contractor – SIA “VELVE”

Construction grocery store 90 Kuldīgas street, Ventspils

Construction works of heating, cooling and ventilation systems, water supply and sewage systems.

General contractor – SIA “Baltic Construction Alliance”